Mobilisation of a profession
Conscious of the need to efficiently protect the designation "Porcelaine de Limoges", the Union of Limoges Porcelain Manufacturers (UFPL), the only professional body representative of the profession and recognised by the public authorities, has been mobilised for several decades by intervening regularly to highlight the specificity of this product, its local roots and its economic assets.
In 2011, the government bill’s project to create GIs for non-agricultural products aroused a keen interest from professionals.
A three-year wait was needed for the law N ° 2014-344 dated March 17, 2014 relating to consumption to cater for the creation of GIs in order to protect the industrial and artisanal products.
Immediately after, the creation of the Association for the Limoges porcelain GI stepped in to support and finance the GI case by not only bringing together members of the UFPL, but almost all players in the profession that is today 27 operating members (manufacturers and / or decorators) and 15 associate members who support the process.